Christmas 2022: 3 Gadgets and Gifts for the Crypto Nerd in Your Life

With Christmas right around the corner, there is still plenty of time to get in that shopping for the crypto nerd in your life. It stands to reason that this may pose a bit of a challenge for you due to the relatively new nature of the technology. Then there is the fact that you are far from crypto literate and if you had to categorize your level of aptitude, you might classify yourself as a crypto dummy. Even so, there are some pretty cool gifts out there that would be absolutely perfect for anyone passionate about the blockchain and crypto.
1. Crypto Hardware Wallet
You are just learning about what the Ethereum Prices Index on the website is all about. Now that you know it monitors the value of Ethereum in real-time, that’s about as far as it goes. In fact, you probably can’t even explain what cryptocurrency is let alone how to put something that isn’t tangible into a wallet. Well, you’ve got a lot of tech to learn! Basically, a crypto hardware wallet, also referred to as cold storage, is like a USB storage stick where you can hold your cryptocurrency until you need to use it for something. Although crypto is already as secure as it gets, you can never be too safe. When you need to buy something with it or trade it, you simply load it from the USB device onto your computer and you’re good to go. There are several really great brands out there, so read the reviews.
2. Crypto Stickers
Crypto stickers come in all sizes and for all uses but probably one of the coolest stickers out there is the Ethereum heartbeat. These can be placed in car windows, on bumper stickers, on the case of your laptop, and even on your fridge. However, you aren’t limited to Ethereum stickers because there is a broad array of Bitcoin stickers too. Take your time looking around. If you are brave, you might even like to print your own.
3. Crypto Mugs
With crypto being one of the more volatile financial markets, you will rarely see a crypto nerd without that perennial cup of java in their hands. Although you can find crypto mugs online, sublimated with logos and slogans from the leading cryptocurrencies out there, you can also have them custom-made. Some of these are too cute for words, so take your time browsing these as well. Yes, you can also find crypto t-shirts, crypto keychains, crypto jewelry, and even crypto hats.
With so many choices out there, you may even decide to buy a few crypto stocking stuffers as well. It is Christmas, after all, so you want to find gifts that will delight even the most serious of crypto nerds. Also, don’t worry if Black Friday has come and gone because if 2022 is like any other year approaching the holidays, Black Friday will run through December 24th and maybe even beyond that as well! There’s plenty of time, but don’t let those amazing gifts get grabbed up before you get there. Get a jump on it and you will be well prepared.