5 Types of Meetings That Are Worth The Time

This post will explain Types of Meetings. There are five different types of meetings that are worthwhile. More than 78% of employees claim that their meeting plan is out of control either all the time or occasionally. Before the pandemic, the typical worker attended 62 meetings each month and dedicated 4.8 hours a week to arranging meetings. The issue has gotten worse because of remote work. The typical employee was spending up to 25% more time in video conferencing meetings by the fifth week of March.
What’s worst? Three-quarters of our meetings are pointless. Spending time in poorly managed, fruitless meetings costs organizations a lot of money.
And it destroys confidence. Employees who believe they spend too much time in meetings report feeling less happy, being more tired, and having a heavier subjective burden.
5 Types of Meetings That Are Worth The Time
In this article, you can know about 5 Types of Meetings That Are Worth The Time here are the details below;
Meetings are essential for productive collaboration, however.
How can we make meetings run more efficiently? Managers must first decide which meetings are worthwhile for everyone to attend. Here are five types of meetings that are worthwhile, as well as some advice for making the most of your time.
1. Weekly team syncs
By the fifth week of March, the typical employee was spending 25% more time in team-sync meetings, according to our calendar data. By far, this was the greatest jump. Even though this is a significant amount of additional time, it makes sense that organizations would give team syncs priority. That is because effective weekly team meetings provide at least three significant advantages. People can:
Make everyone’s roles and top goals clear
Provide a venue for communicating complex or divisive concepts that are inappropriate for Slack or email
Create a space where team members can receive real-time public acclaim.
Avoid using your weekly team syncs as progress update meetings if you want to get the most value out of them. Slack or project management tools would be more appropriate for that. Team-building meetings should be held instead.
Set an agenda that makes use of the time to discuss topics that aren’t appropriate for asynchronous communication channels, clarify roles and goals, and/or improve morale and team cohesion.
2. Manager one-on-ones
After the shelter-in-place, we discovered that employees were spending 24% more time in one-on-ones. This makes logic once more because one-on-one meetings have numerous significant advantages. Ben Horowitz, a CEO and investor, once threatened to fire a senior executive if he didn’t start having one-on-one meetings because he believes they are so crucial.
For instance, holding frequent meetings with your direct reports increases employee engagement, gives you both a forum for constructive criticism, and gives employees the confidence that they are on the correct track. Never be surprised by a performance evaluation. When properly used, regular one-on-ones can help prevent this from ever happening.
Encourage your reports to establish the agenda for meetings in advance with topics to cover in order to get the most value out of your one-on-ones. If there is still time, pose open-ended inquiries like:
What have you been thinking about lately?
What’s up? How is your personal life doing?
What have you recently found difficult?
What ability, if any, would you choose to level up first?
Why would you want to stick around with us for the ensuing two years?
How do you prefer to get criticism?
What would you like me to understand more clearly about you or your work?
3. Decision- making / problem-solving meetings
One advantage of a decision-making gathering is that employees no longer feel like they are receiving orders but rather feel heard and involved in the process. Numerous studies have found a connection between a sense of autonomy and work satisfaction, as well as between job satisfaction and improved performance. The morale and productivity of a team can benefit greatly from a well-run decision-making gathering.
How do you effectively lead such a meeting? Dealing effectively with conflicts is one method. According to research, groups can resolve disputes in one of three ways: by avoiding the subject, competing to win, or seeking a compromise.
According to study from the University of Minnesota, teams that constantly approached disagreements with the goal of reaching a compromise rather than using other styles or never settling on a style were more successful at making decisions. When team members start to diverge, attempt to come up with a workable compromise that everyone can agree on. Instead of moving on to the next subject or letting team members argue until one individual or faction wins, doing this usually produces better results. Also check new Travel Time Smart Holds
4. Brainstorming sessions
Brainstorming fosters engagement, dedication, devotion, and enthusiasm, claims professional development thought leader Brian Tracy. He claims that brainstorming meetings help people discover their creative potential, boost their self-esteem, and foster a more collaborative and teamwork-friendly environment. The main benefit is that you will generate a lot of excellent ideas, some of which may even alter the course of the company.
Not everybody concurs. Brainstorming sessions have been referred to as “one of the worst possible ways to stimulate creativity” by Susan Cain, author of “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Quit Talking.” The organizational psychologist Adrian Furnham is quoted as saying, “Science indicates that business people using brainstorming groups must be insane. When productivity or creativity are the top priorities, you should support talented and motivated individuals to work alone. According to Cain, decades of study consistently demonstrate that individuals produce significantly more better, more creative ideas than groups. And the results get worse as the group size increases.
This is true in part because of a cognitive prejudice known as the “bandwagon effect,” which makes people follow the crowd. It’s dangerous and unpleasant to stand out. When we disagree with the group, our fear reaction is triggered. So, without even recognizing it, we often imitate and concur with those around us.
Cain advises using technology to overcome this aversion. When brainstorming online rather than in person, she claims that groups perform better than individuals. For better or worse, most people find it much easier to argue with others when they are seated in front of a computer screen. Ask your team to discuss independently rather than expecting everyone to come up with fresh, original ideas in real time together and run the risk of rejection. then hold an innovation gathering to evaluate the merits of each concept. You might think about making the ideas anonymous so that only the individual who came up with them knows whose idea it is, in order to lessen bias.
According to Joe Master, Executive Director of Marketing and Digital Strategy at Drexel University’s Communications Department, “often we think of brainstorming as a way to come up with something original – that ‘aha’ moment.” Actually, it’s more about finding a solution to an issue. Also check Productivity Apps
5. Project kickoffs
A successful project start-up can enhance partner collaboration while raising the chances that a project will remain on schedule and under budget. Missed deadlines, problems, scope growth, and change orders can all be avoided with the help of planning meetings like this one.
You can take a few steps to make your project kickoff gathering successful. First, make a list of the important choices you must make for the endeavor, such as:
Effort to be expected Technology needs
Important events and deadlines
So that everyone has time to peruse it, distribute it far in advance. Ask attendees for their opinions on the schedule and any materials they should study in advance to help motivate them to arrive prepared.
Try to make everyone feel comfortable asking questions and sharing information early and frequently during the meeting while also seeking out useful feedback. Put worthwhile ideas or points on a “backburner” that you don’t have time to fully investigate. In this manner, the conversation can proceed without losing any knowledge, and nobody will feel ignored. Be careful not to let anyone dominate the conversation or let disputes drag on for too long. Finally, make sure to follow up with next actions and a summary of the decisions made during the meeting.
Going Forward
Data indicates that we waste a lot of time in meetings. Identifying the types of meetings that are worthwhile for everyone’s time will help us organize our calendars and boost productivity. In this manner, we position our employees for both immediate and long-term success. When conducted properly, we think weekly team meetings, one-on-one conversations, decision-making meetings, brainstorming meetings, and project start meetings are the kinds of meetings that are worthwhile.